Outdoor Play in July

The July schedule for indoor SWPRD sessions and outdoor WIP session is unchanged from June. The WIP outdoor sessions are held at the Sports Complex on Langley Road. SWPRD will continue to organize and sponsor playing sessions inside at the community center. Click here for the full schedule.

  • Saturdays, 12:15Women’s drill and play session. For players who are skilled at rallying at an intermediate or advanced level but who want to improve on specific things like drop shots, positioning, deep serves and returns, etc. Generally will consist of 30 minutes of various drills followed by 90 minutes of play to help make those skills more natural. Players will need to register for the month by texting either Jean Mylen 949.233.5000 or Kristen Bell 805.798.4152, and who can give you more info on participation and expectations. Plan is to use TeamReach app to organize each week and communicate.

  • Saturday 2:15 — Men’s intermediate/advanced drop-in session

  • Sunday 12:00 — Coed Open Play drop in session

  • Sunday 2:00 — Coed coed advanced/intermediate drop-in session

  • Wednesday 5:30 - Coed intermediate drop-in session. Text Susan Janow (360-420-5213) for more information.

Because the outside temporary courts can be slippery when not completely dry, we have a conservative approach when deciding whether to proceed with play or cancel. July will be better!

Whidbey Island Pickleball (WIP) organizes these outdoor sessions for the benefit of our community’s players, but does not have an entitlement to the courts, and recognizes the rights of other residents to enjoy the sport. 

Open play at the SW Sports Complex is possible whenever courts are available. Get a group together and bring your own net or loan one from SWPRD at their office on Maxwelton during business hours. Remember that the courts are slippery when wet, or even damp.


SWPR Courts Project Update


Outdoor Play in June