SWPR Courts Project Update

7/31/24 - The design for the permanent outdoor courts at the Sports Complex on Langley Road has been updated (see images below). Although not final, it brings SWPRD to the point of preparing to get permits from the county. Here is the SWPRD link for the project: swparks.org/pickleball/.

The main points include:

  • The update provides 5 courts sized 64’x36’ and a larger sixth court at 74’x44’.

  • Fencing is provided around the courts and between them. 

  • To save cost, the overall footprint is reduced by taking the common area out from between courts and placing it on the side. 

Preferred Alternative Site Plan - SW Pickleball Courts

Diagram of proposed court dimensions.

7/1/24 - Click here for a summary of the public meeting with the contracted design architect held on June 12 at the Community Center gym. Please take a look at it so you can become familiar with the current and ongoing process to build these public courts. The meeting was well attended and informative. It looks like this project will result in good courts for our community!

6/1/24 - Public Meeting with the contracted design architect - Wednesday, June 12 at 6:00 pm - South Whidbey Community Center - Downstairs Gym - 723 Camano Ave. (Gym entrance is off the parking lot in the rear.) The design contractor will share their initial plans and collect everyone’s thoughts and inputs. See you there!

5/1/24 - As we understand it, SWPRD will be scheduling a public meeting for input on establishing requirements and formulating a design for the courts in the next few weeks. When we’re informed we will email you on the date, time and process for community input, and when pledged funds may be needed.

4/16/24 - SWPRD recently signed a design contract with RWD Landscape Architects. They will be responsible for establishing requirements and formulating a design for the courts. As we understand the schedule better, we will keep you informed on the process for community input, and when pledged funds may be needed.

3/1/24 - The state approved two grants for constructing permanent courts at the Sports Complex on Langley Road. The Cultural Resources portion of the project was completed and the submitted report is being reviewed by the State. South Whidbey Parks and Rec has received proposals for the design portion of the project and will interview the qualified firms that submitted proposals. Final selection is hoped for by March 2024.


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